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I really love horror games


Funny and creepy. I loved it! (German Video)


Good game! Reminds me of Slenderman


This was an awesome game my dude! Funny, spooky, great tension and jumps! This just kept on going, leaving me wondering what the hell was going to happen next! I enjoyed that intro and music, the ball kabobs killed me! Really had fun with this one and recommend it completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everybody :)

dude your vids are always the best! glad to see you on here, too


Haha thanks my dude :D


Nice job! Fun, kinda silly and funny but also did a good job with the tension. Had some nice scary moments and I wasn't sure where it was going to go. Keep up the good work!


was not expecting my fun to be expired within a second, good game fr

This game was pretty fun! Keep up the good work!


Good horror game. 



THIS GAME WAS AMAZING! omg. i died laughing and I was actually scared a few times. lol short but super fun! and well made. no bugs or anything. i did notice a slight lag in the beginning when following the lamb but no big deal. gameplay starts at 15:25


the jumpscares are scary i like it

heres my video on the game 
(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome Game, I really enjoyed it

This was such a good short horror game! Loved how creepy the village and the villagers were! The game got me on a few scares. Lastly, the closing your eyes mechanic made the experience very unsettling. Overall, I had a blast with this game! 


This is kind of horror game i like


This was a very stressful short game but I enjoyed it :)


Great game :D loved it so much~


Etkileyici ve enteresan olmuş. Tebrikler. Türkçe incelemesi aşağıda:

This download did not work for me it will not open

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, Enes A. Tural! I really enjoyed it. 5 stars!


Muchas gracias por compartir el juego. Me ha encantado que el juego esté basado en unos supuestos hechos reales y leyendas. También me ha gustado la trama del juego y el final. Has hecho un gran trabajo, por eso te doy 5 estrellas. Saludos!!!

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

Short but pretty damn solid! Loved the whole premise throughout especially that escape part. Made a video on it.



Quite a short, succinct game about labs that glow green, raving villagers and an old lady that invites you to her abode. Quirky in nature, this gave me a good jump scare that I was not ready for. 

Would have liked to explore the village a little more and gain some lore with regards to the jinn, but overall an impressive short indie horror! 


The Black Lamb - A Folklore Horror Where The Black Lamb With Green Eyes Is a Jinn

Masyaallah Good Game! Let's do umrah together!


I love folklore horror, the only complaint that I have is that sometimes was a little bit laggy but for the rest: great atmosphere!


Nice this was very good short game well done keep it up!


Good, short game!

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